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Back to School Campaign

9 years after the humanitarian crisis in Syria began in March 2011, an estimated 13.5 million people now need some form of humanitarian aid. A total of 6.5 million people, of which 2.8 million are children and 1.4 million of them are school-age children.

The crisis has had a major impact on Syrian refugee children over the educational rights they are entitled to. If they do not return to school, then there will be a loss of human capital, especially for Muslims.


Taking a caring and caring attitude, Malaysia For Syria (MFS) has set up an education center in January 2016 specifically for Syrian refugee children in Malaysia.


However, the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic that has spread around the world have caused these children, especially those who are studying at the Jasmine Ash Sham Alternative Education Center, to be unable to continue their learning perfectly.

To the generous philanthropists, please help us to make this Infak Vaganza campaign a success. Donation fund required: RM 62,400. Or you can just donate as low as RM12.12.

Here are the types of help needed:
-  School Clothing Assistance: RM 195 /  

-  School Books: RM 260 / student
-  Stationery: RM 65 / student

Bank Account

+ MAYBANK : 5648-1051-3971
+ BANK ISLAM : 1421-0010-0098-82
+ AFFIN BANK : 1050-4003-0883
+ BANK RAKYAT : 1111-5100-1155
Ref: Back2SchoolSyria

Contact Info

Malaysia For Syria Office: +603-41443441
Donation Unit: +6019-2553441


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